Online College Of Art & Design
KS3 Lower School Art - Age 10 - 14 years.
How It Works
Students receive access to their own online studio where they can work through their course. Fun activities are offered alongside supporting resources, video tutorials for skills development, step by step guides etc. Photographs of students' completed work are uploaded to their school e portfolio for assessment and constructive, friendly written feedback on how to progress. Additionally pupils are invited to weekly LIVE interactive online classes with an experienced and qualified art & design teacher. Pupils may also benefit from relationships with their peers as they can view profiles and comment on each others' art work if they wish.
Formative as pupils progress.- Year one (3 x 12 week terms) pupils will work towards attaining BASIC skills and gain confidence in drawing, painting and sculpture.
Year two (3 x 12 week terms) pupils will work towards attaining COMPETENT skills and gain confidence in drawing, painting and sculpture.
Year three (3 x 12 week terms) pupils will work towards attaining CONFIDENT skills and gain confidence in drawing, painting and sculpture.
Pupils will also make connections between their own work and the work of other artists and designers. In years two and three pupils will use their new skills, knowledge and understanding more independently to express their own ideas and feelings and they will begin to annotate their work.The full 3 year programme FULLY prepares pupils for progression to Level 2 /GCSE / IGCSE exam courses.